Training Courses at AFS

Secure Online Registration

NRA Range Safety Officer Course

Fundamentals of range safety and operation, this course prepares the new Range Safety Officer.

Level:  Patriot  |   Registration fee:  $100  / $100 (AFS members)

NRA Range Safety Officer



The focus in this course is on the role and responsibilities of the RSO, range standard operating procedures, range inspection and range rules, firearm stoppages and malfunctions, and Range Safety Briefings to include emergency procedures.



* This is a one day course.  .

Class hours are from 9am to 5pm.


There are 5 seats available for this course.


For more information or to find out when this class will be offered please contact Matt at


Thank you.

Upcoming Course Dates

~ Currently No Classes Scheduled ~

Online Course Registration

This course is offered through Christian Pullano of Patriot Consulting. Please click the button below to register for this course at his website

* Membership will be verified for course registration using member pricing option prior to the course date.

Once you have registered for a course you can register additional people using the a "+ register a friend" link within the shopping cart.